Navien Combi Boilers

Navien new NFC-H and NCB-H are the ultimate high efficiency condensing combination boilers with the capacities to supply both heat and domestic hot water for larger homes - enough space heat for a whole house, plus hot water to run up to 3 showers and a dishwasher all at the same time.
Select a Model to Learn More:

NCB-H Condensing Combi Boiler
Navien's innovation and technological advancements have done it again. The new NCB-H is taking combi performance to the highest levels. As the competition tries to get closer, Navien ingenuity keeps advancing their lead.
- Indoor wall-hung
- Residential
- Smart controls LCD display, quick dial wheel & Setup Wizard
- Advanced stainless steel dual heat exchangers
- 15:1 DHW and up to 5.5:1 heating TDR
- Field convertible gas system (NG/LP) up to 10,100 ft.
- Capable of cascading up to 15 NPE water heaters
- Capable of common venting up to 7 NPE water heaters
- Built-in 3 zone pumps and 3 zone valves powered connections
- 2" venting up to 65' and 3" venting up to 150'

NCB-E Condensing Combi Boiler
Navien NCB-E is the first high efficiency condensing combination boiler with the capacity to supply both heat and domestic hot water for larger homes - enough hydronic heat for a whole house, plus hot water to run two showers and a dishwasher all at the same time.
The Navien NCB-E saves installation time and reduces call backs. In addition, the NCB-E takes up 80% less space than a traditional floor standing boiler and tank water heater. Your customer now has more room, saves energy and enjoys all the hot water they need, whenever they want it.
- Indoor wall-hung
- Residential
- Super condensing efficiency
- Dual stainless steel heat exchangers
- SCH40, 2" PVC venting up to 60'
- ½" Gas pipe up to 24'
- Automatic water filling system
- Integrated controls

NFC Condensing Fire Tube Combi Boiler
Now the innovator in high efficiency condensing tankless water heaters
and fire tube boilers puts it all together in one amazing combi-boiler in 2 sizes:
NFC-175 & NFC-200.
- Indoor wall-hung
- Residential/Commercial
- Patented Compact Stainless Steel Fire Tube Heat Exchanger
- 95% AFUE and TDR up to 11:1
- Advanced Controls with Intuitive User Interface
- Primary Manifold, NaviClean™ Magnetic Filter and Isolation Valve Kit Included
- DHW Module with Mixing and Water Adjustment Valves
- Pressure Regulating Valve, Air Vent and Manifold Included
- Multiple Venting Options Up to 150'
- Common Venting Up to 8 Units and Cascading Up to 16 Units